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Plate Tectonics

by Rylie Towns


Plate Tectonics
By: Rylie Towns
Convergent Boundaries
Convergent boundaries are areas where two or more tectonic plates bump into each other. This is also called a collision zone. Sometimes during the formation of a convergent boundary, subduction occurs.
A mountain chain is a row of high mountains caused by the collision of two tectonic plates. A mountain chain is a convergent plate boundary.
Some examples of convergent boundaries include the Himalayan Mountains, and Andes Mountains.
Believe it or not, the ring of fire is known as a subduction zone.
Divergent Boundaries
Divergent boundaries are an area where two or more tectonic plates are moving away from each other. This is also called an extensional boundary.
Mid-ocean ridges, and rift valleys form because of divergent boundaries.
A rift valley is depression in the ground caused by the Earth's crust spreading apart.
A mid-ocean ridge is just simply an underwater mountain range.
Two examples of a divergent boundary include the Great rift valley in Africa, and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in Iceland.
The Great rift valley spreads throughout 7 countries in Africa , and covers about 2% of the continent.
Transform Boundaries
A transform boundary is an area where two plates slide past one another.
Transform boundaries can cause Earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions.