Book Creator

christopher colombus jeurnal

by Signe Drummond

Pages 4 and 5 of 17

October 2, 1492
We have finally officially made it India with my crew and I, it was a long and hard journey but we have finally made it. We have already made many trades so far with these people that I’ve never even seen before such as new spices, foods, clothing, minerals, jewellery, and gold! I’ve got to go, my crew and I were told there is another group of these Indians down the coast who also have other goods too trade for.
October 18, 1492
I am so happy that i have made such a big discovery of this new route i have found! We have traded so much already, and I think some of this stuff I have traded for can be revolutionary for Europe and can benefit us quite a lot. Ever since I’ve been a child I’ve wanted this moment to happen my whole life, i’m going to gain so much fame after this discovery once I get back!