Book Creator

Here to Help

by Mrs Ayto

Pages 2 and 3 of 13

Meet the 'Here to Help' Team
Hi. I am Mrs Davison. I am one of the Vice Principals and the Designated Safeguarding Lead. I enjoy teaching in various year groups across the school. I spend much of my time supporting pupils and families. You will generally find me in the Helping Hands Room working hard to ensure that the children of Reid Street are happy, able to learn and cared for.
I’m the nominated teacher for our forces families too. I also lead the work in school that raises aspirations and helps our pupils to appreciate the wide range of future careers and opportunities open to them. I make sure that our pupils have a voice that is heard.
Because I have these roles, I am able to help pupils right across the school - from supporting particular pupils to ensuring all children develop their reading and writing skills to making sure our Year 6 pupils move onto their secondary schools successfully.
Hi! I am Mrs Robson. I am one of the Vice Principals of Reid Street School. As part of my SENDCo role, I work with a team of people to support pupils and families with the everyday challenges of being a child. You will regularly find me in the ‘Helping Hands Room’ where we offer support to families and children.
Hi, I’m Mrs Charlton and I love working at Reid Street. I’ve worked here for more than 20 years and I used to be a pupil here!  My job is Parent Support Advisor which means I work very closely with the DSL and SENDCo. I’m  based in the Helping Hands Room and meet with children and their families across the whole school. If you’re worried about anything, I have a good listening ear and a kind heart.
I am the contact (along with your child's class teacher) if ever you have a concern that your child may have a special educational need. We are a kind and friendly bunch and really want to work with you to best support your child.
Hi. I am Mrs Hancock and, as well as teaching in Year 6, I am the Designated Teacher for Looked After Children. I am also lead for Key Stage 2 and I lead English across the school.
Because I have these roles, I am able to help pupils right across the school - from supporting particular pupils to ensuring all children develop their reading and writing skills to making sure our Year 6 pupils move onto their secondary schools successfully.
Hi, I’m Mrs Charlton and I love working at Reid Street. I’ve worked here for more than 20 years and I used to be a pupil here!  My job is Parent Support Advisor which means I work very closely with the DSL and SENDCo. I’m  based in the Helping Hands Room and meet with children and their families across the whole school. If you’re worried about anything, I have a good listening ear and a kind heart.
At home, I enjoy reading, watching films and playing Candy Crush. I love meeting my family and friends; yoga and meditation help me relax - I try to use mindfulness everyday. I love the outdoors and camping in The Lakes. I’m learning to use a stand up paddle board, but I’m not very good at this... yet!
My name is Miss Mennell. I love being part of the Reid Street family where I work as the SENDCo Assistant - a role that I thoroughly enjoy! I work with children who may need additional support such as Speech and Language, English as an Additional language and many other things.
I support children from Reception to Year six and work one to one, in small groups and at times in the classroom. I am also a trained ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) so I can help children who are struggling.
At home, I love spending time with my fantastic family. We like to go for walks and trips to the countryside and the beach. We also like family games nights. My favourite hobby is horse riding.
Hello! I’m Miss Skelton and I’m currently working as an Academic Mentor for KS1. In my time at Reid Street over the last few years, I have been so fortunate to have experienced many different year groups and really love being part of the Reid Street family.
In my spare time, I love to socialise with my friends and family, usually involving some good food! I also love animals and enjoy visiting zoos around the country and hope one day to be able to check them all off my list.
Remember to make sure that we have your correct email address and that you are signed up to ClassDojo to ensure you receive all of the key information you need.
The school office team consists of Mrs Robinson, Mrs Wooff and Mrs Burey. Mrs Waistell returns to help us out (despite enjoying her retirement). We are always here to help and assist with any of your concerns, therefore please contact us at any time.
These are just some of the things that we are here to help you with:

Admissions and school brochure if you are new to our school.
Changes to contact details - for example address or telephone number.
School meals changes and free school meal eligibility.
If you are struggling to access SIMS Pay, Class Dojo, Report Writer or have any other technical issues...

The list is endless however we are always here to support our pupils, parents and friends of the school.