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Year 4

by Mrs Ayto

Pages 4 and 5 of 9

Hi, I’m Mrs Williamson (some of you might remember me as Miss Dargue). This will be my sixth year here at Reid Street and I am so excited to begin a new adventure teaching in Year 4! I lead Computing and I am responsible for remote learning in school. I love exploring how to incorporate new and exciting technology into our everyday learning! 

At home, I have a daughter called Orla. I absolutely love being her mam and feel very grateful to be able to watch her grow as she learns new things everyday! Our favourite activities include swimming, shopping and we love to sing and dance. I also have two very cute but naughty sausage dogs called Oakley and Otis. They hate the rain and would sleep all day if they could. My little trio keep me very busy but I wouldn’t have it any other way! 
Hi, My name is Mrs Rimmer and I am a Teaching Assistant in Year 4.

I love singing and dancing and I co-run the dance and production clubs. I am also a trainee ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) which is a passion of mine and I hope to qualify soon and get started in this role.

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