Book Creator

Me Myself and you

by Lakhi

Pages 2 and 3 of 25

And You
by Lakhi Daniels
Mirror Mirror
Mirror mirror.  
Who are you? 
I see a girl but is nothing like me.
I look down and see a beautiful black skirt.
I look up and see thick black hair.

Mirror mirror. 
This isn’t me!
Why do you show the girl I want to be?
Mirror mirror. 
Who am I?
A boy?
A girl? 
No, I am not.
Mirror mirror
 What am I?
I want what’s in between
Your glass and silver. 
I don’t want to be either.
So don’t make me choose. 
Loving you meant a thousand words
I cannot speak. 

We spent 5 years together 
let’s make our 6th.
My best friend throughout the years 
and my brother for all our lives.

Loving you meant a lifetime of lessons.
You are both my mom but also my dad.
I was your blessing and curse but more importantly your child.
You and my sister are what I call family.
Loving you meant a lifetime of entertainment. 
Nighttime stay-ups
and smash bro battles.
Not only my cousin but a friend.
Someone, I can hang out with 
game with and fish.

They say,
“The blood of the coven is thicker than the water of the womb”.
So to those, I call family,
I love yall.
Moving On From The Climbing Tree
The trees were home 
The grass my bedroom, my space
I’m my controller.
This world is my tv screen
We split because I aged
I moved on. I grew.
Activities are different.
I am not a child
I Only Wanted You For Sex
Your pleasure was only an afterthought.
I don’t think I could ever love you 
for I am not into you.

Men aren’t attractive. 

But there’s something about you 
I cannot admit to myself.
I like you but not like that. 

I wanted to hook up in the bathroom 
but I did not.

I will block you again.
But I’m back.
I’ll say I’m sorry or I will do better. 
I’ll say I want a relationship.
But really I can’t do this.

Goodbye for now…