Book Creator

Active Reading & How You Can Help Your Child at Home

by Christa Bell

Pages 2 and 3 of 41

Active Reading
How You Can Help
Your Child at Home
Christa Bell
May 30, 2020
Purpose of Book
“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” – Walt Disney

Helping your child learn at home can be challenging at any age. I am hoping this book provides you with some new information that can help you to understand the reading process more and to offer you strategies and resources that you can use at home with your child. It is designed for you to be able to quickly access the information or focus area that you may want to revisit later.

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What is Passive Reading?
Moving your eyes over the words with the intent of finishing the reading without engaging the brain; the eyes may see the words, but the words, and much less the meaning, may not register with the brain (, 2018).
What is Active Reading?
The process of engaging with the text, looking beyond the surface words for deeper meanings, connections to our own lives, and disagreements we have with the topic as presented by the author, and with the intent to learn something from the reading (, 2018).
The ABC's of Active Reading
The Reading Brain
-Every time a baby hears speech, the brain is learning the rules of language that generalize, later, to reading (Burns, n.d.)

-Even a simple nursery rhyme can help a baby's brain begin to make sound differentiations and create phonemic awareness, an essential building block for reading readiness (Burns, n.d.)

-By the time a child is ready to read effectively, the brain has done a lot of work coordinating sounds to language, and is fully prepared to coordinate language to reading, and reading to comprehension (Burns, n.d.)
Elements of Reading