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My diary Alfonso

by Alfonso Sicignano

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By Alfonso Sicignano
To enjoy this period I spend more time playing videogames. I know that it is not very healthy but it is one of the few things I can do and it's so fun especially when I play with my friends.....
Rounded Rectangle
P.S My favourite videogame is Fifa 20
.....But my real passion is football in fact in this period I really miss not hitting with the football boots on the grass and not having fun playing the most beautiful sport in the world with my teammates....
.....covid-19 is a virus from China that has infected 470 thousand people in the world. This is one of the greatest evils in the history of mankind that has been frightening us since a month but soon we will be able to tell and say that we have defeated it.....
...I have just finished a video lesson with my Italian teacher where we have talked about our homework. It was easier than when we were at school but I miss waking up and going to school and spending 5 hours of my day with my teachers and my classmates...

28/03/2020 Today is my thirteenth birthday
I don't know but now we have to live it to the fullest because not everyone has this luck