Book Creator

How to Use Book Creator

by Moriah Wrenn-Sandkulla


Presented by Mrs. Moriah Wrenn-Sandkulla
Churchland Middle School
Book Creator is a fun way to have students create multimedia eBooks based off of class assignments and topics. It will allow students to show their creative sides while learning. Book Creator can be used in all subject areas and is very versatile. It allows for collaborative and independent work with ease and allows students to choose how they want their creations to be made.
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The following pages are only a small sample of what you can do with Book Creator! As experts in your subjects, I have every confidence that you will be able to think of creative books to match your needs.
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English Example
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The theme of 'The Treasure of Lemon Brown' is that everyone has a treasure or something that is important to him or her, and it does not have to have great monetary value.
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Parts of the Heart
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Superior Vena Cava
Pulmonary Artery
Science/Health Example
Pulmonary Vein
Right Atrium
Left Atrium
Mitral Valve
Pulmonary Valve
Left Ventricle
Aortic Valve
Tricuspid Valve
Right Ventricle
Inferior Vena Cava
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Impact of Westward Expansion on American Indians
Forced relocation from traditional lands to reservations
History Example
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Opposition by American Indians to westward expansion
Reduced population through warfare, disease, and reduced buffalo population
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