Book Creator


by The Honourable S. Paus Daniali, Phd

Pages 2 and 3 of 9

When I took the Grit Test, I received a score of 3.125, which seems accurate. Shockingly, I am not the most confident person. I feel like over the course of this journal, my score will increase. My goal is that when I take the test again at the end of this journal, my score will be 3.5.
The Growth Mindset
There are 2 types of mindset. There is the Fixed Mindset, and the Growth Mindset. The fixed mindset is thinking 2 dimensionally. Phrases like “I can’t do this.” “This is too hard.” Are signs of a fixed mindset. A person with a growth mindset would say something like “How do I do this” or “I can learn how to do this”. The difference between the 2 mindsets is that the Growth mindset expects change, while the Fixed mindset rejects change.
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