Book Creator

The great Gatsby


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Reflection 1
The Great Gatsby is a novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The book is set in 1920, an era marked by the changes made in both culture and lifestyle (the 20’s was known as the jazz era). The themes in the book reflected and scrutinized the societal influences in this time period, the characters represented the different classes, behavior, customs and ethics of the time, moreover, it shows the dichotomy between two classes, the rich and the poor, in which both are chasing the “American dream” (the promise of wealth and prosperity as long as you work for it), for instance, Jay Gatsby, one of the books most essential characters, is a self-made man as well as a dreamer whose ambition will lead him to achieve status and luxury.  

Additionally, there is plenty of symbolism in the Great Gatsby; namely, the Valley of ashes. It represents the dissociation between the poor and the rich along with the moral and social decay as a result of the ambition and greed of the characters for the pursuit of wealth. The rich view themselves as upper class while the poor try to live one day at a time hoping one day they will be rewarded.