Book Creator

Oliver The Twisted Orphan

by George

Pages 4 and 5 of 9

Oliver started to get very dizzy very dizzy his thirst was getting worst, But he knew he had to go on.Ten miles to go he mumbled to himself.Oliver saw two shadowy figures coming down the road boom! He face planted it was dark very dark. He couldn't feel anything nothing at all.
As Oliver woke up, he saw two ugly men but there was one man who stood out. He injured he introduced himself "I am the most famous pickpocket in the world" he said
"I am Fagin and you are"
"I am Oliver I am an orphan" He mumbled
"Ah I see"
"These are my people MY GANG" he shouted
"You boy should join my gang if not you will die" he shout again
"Okay okay condition you give me half of the money that you make" he smirked
"HALF NEVER" He shouted
"Okay well how about twenty five percent" He smiled
"Okay if you just put your DEAD BOY"