Book Creator

We're Going on a Dino Hunt by 1B

by Miss Sam

Pages 2 and 3 of 18

We're Going on a Dino Hunt by P1B

Thank you to Michael Rosen for writing
such an amazing poem!
Chu-chum-chum-chum-chum. Chu-chum-chum-chum-chum.
We're going on a dino hunt. 

We're going to catch a big one. 

What a beautiful day!

We're not scared!
Dinosaur dung!
We can't go over it. 
We can't go under it. 
Oh no! 
We've got to tread in it! 
Squishy squashy!
Squishy squashy!
Squishy squashy!
Chu-chum-chum-chum-chum. Chu-chum-chum-chum-chum.
We're going on a dino hunt. 

We're going to catch a big one. 

What a beautiful day!

We're not scared!
A fight! 
A dinosaur fight. 
We can't go over it. 
We can't go under it. 
Oh no! 
We've got to go through it! 
Boom! Bang!
Boom! Bang!
Boom! Bang!
Chu-chum-chum-chum-chum. Chu-chum-chum-chum-chum.