Book Creator

Fish In A Tree

by Kiri Yourchik & Julia Mccoid

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Fish in a Tree

By Kiri and Julia
SD 71
“Everyone is smart in different ways. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life thinking that it’s stupid.”
― Lynda Mullaly Hunt, Fish In A Tre​e
Our Project
We started the school year discussing this quote with our class and what it means to us. It was a great launch for the Synergy French Literacy project for iPads as it is what we believe and what we hoped this project would bring to life.

The title of our project is Differentiation for Inclusion. This project worked with the theme, "Identity: What Makes You-You?". We integrated technology and assistive technology using apps such as Book Creator, Pictello, Explain Everything, Word Reference, ChatterPix, iMovie, the built-in camera app and MS Office Read and Write. The aim was for students to gain an appreciation of the writing process as well as the variety of ways, tools and technologies they can use to explore, communicate and represent their ideas and themselves.

Who We Are
Hello, I'm Kiri and I have been teaching for almost 20 years, most recently at the Grade 4 and 5 level. I have taught in Burnaby, Switzerland, India and the Comox Valley. I believe creating strong and caring relationships first and foremost with my students- by getting to know them; their strengths and stretches. I love taking my class on overnight cross country ski and snowshoeing trips up Mount Washington.
I attended the Shelley Moore series of workshops: Transforming Inclusive Education and am inspired to apply these new ideas to my everyday teaching.
Hello, my name is Julia. I am a learning support teacher for intermediate students and I love working with technology as it gives me the opportunity to address our students' diverse needs and find success in many areas of learning.
I have been working on UDL projects for many years, I have attended all the workshops that Shelley Moore presented in our district and I was thrilled when the opportunity to work on the SET BC Synergy Project presented itself.
I have been collaborating with Kiri, with great success, over the years and the choice for a classroom teacher was extremely easy for me.
It was an incredible learning adventure for everyone involved!
Hello, welcome to our learning journey! It's full of many peaks and valleys. Grab your comfiest hiking shoes, a water bottle and a snack, maybe even some hiking poles and come along!

Grade 5 Division 15
École Robb Road
What I love about working with technology
Examples of student projects......