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With all this information it was already more than clear to them who it was, none other than Benjamin, but what they were going to do, if that was true, what they could do, it was very dangerous and if they notified the police, he would probably find out later. of it and who knows what he would do to them, he would kill them! So with this it occurred to them between the three of them to make a plan to ambush him and thus immobilize him, they agreed very early tomorrow to go to the university, before they even opened it and hiding waiting the right moment, that's when they saw Benjamin talking with the substitute teacher of bad vibes, at that moment Joseph spoke: Hey Slide. and when Slide turned around he had Saúl with his hands tied and his mouth covered, Joseph said: don't talk, and if you cooperate I'll let him go.
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Slide was very confused and said: Joseph, what are you doing?, He did not answer and then behind Slide the substitute teacher and Benjamin appeared, they had Slide surrounded and also without any help, Slide did not understand anything, Joseph laughed and described: You see, I was the one who killed Jones and also the teacher, I never liked him, also I paid Benjamin to act suspicious so that they would not notice me, also the substitute teacher, so there would not be a single reason to distrust me, as I was "helping" them. Slide said: Why are you doing this? Joseph replied: Because I like it, it's the same thing my parents did with me when I was little, they mistreated me and now I understand why, and I like it. Slide didn't know what to do, it had been Joseph all this time, he was insane.
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They had left Saul lying on the floor and left, Saul could only see how they took his friend away without him being able to do anything, the days passed and in the streets already had posters of: Disappeared "Slide". Time passed and Saul still couldn't get over the image in his head of how his best friend was taken away. 
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In that he thought, he was surrounded in addition to the fact that his friend was trapped without the possibility of doing something, he reflected what to do, Joseph was going to do something bad to both of them and he did not want that for him or for his best friend and he made a very difficult decision , he blurted out a few words: Let him go, they can take me, but let him. Joseph accepted, the deal, Saúl was in tears for what his friend had done.
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