Book Creator

YR Starters 2022-23

by Aspire

Pages 2 and 3 of 16

Welcome to Nansloe Academy 2023-24
Welcome to the Aspire Academy Trust.
Aspire is a vibrant, highly successful and widely recognised Trust determined to raise standards of educational achievement to the very highest levels. We don’t just aim for our children to achieve what is average or expected, but for them to excel both academically and in character.
We live in a global economy that requires our children to be prepared to think both critically and creatively, solve complex problems, and to communicate well. Mastery of the basics: reading, writing, maths and technology is our core purpose, and this sits firmly alongside ensuring our children have well-developed social and emotional skills. Aspire academies have a strong emphasis on the sport, arts and social, moral spiritual and cultural education.
All our 36 schools and academies are an integral part of their local communities and have a real sense of identity. We value the contribution each of our communities makes and the distinctive opportunities and diversity it offers to the Trust. By working in true partnership, we offer exceptional learning experiences to all our children, so they benefit from the strength that being part of the extended Aspire family brings. If you want to learn more about us, then please visit our website at

I look forward to hopefully welcoming you to the Aspire family!
Vanessa Bragg
Aspire CEO
Head of School Welcome
Hello, I am Lucy Swiggs and I have the pleasure of being our Head of School when you start in September. On behalf our our amazing children and dedicated staff, I would like to welcome you to Nansloe Academy.

We are a small and friendly infant and primary primary school in Helston with a maximum class size of 30 children.

Our aim is to provide a happy and caring learning environment where everyone is shown respect and feels valued. Children are treated as individuals and their strengths are celebrated. Our curriculum is challenging, enriching and supportive to ensure that our children develop into confident individuals achieving their full potential.
Please do not hesitate to contact us; if you would like a tour I would be more than happy show you around. For more information and our contact details, please visit our website:

Welcome to Reception Class

We are the Reception Class Teachers!
I'm Miss Pollard and I will be teaching you every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, when you join us in September.
I'm Mrs Richards and I will be teaching you on a Thursday and Friday.

We like to make our learning fun and we do lots of creative activities in class, in our outdoor learning area and in our story garden. From wake and shake in the morning to story time at the end of the day, our aim is to ensure every child achieves their best and has fun along the way...
We are supported by the lovely Mrs Hunter, whose skills in music, arts and PE ensure our days are filled with creativity, rhythm and bounce!
Vision & Values ~ Our Nansloe Learning Powers!
Early Years Curriculum
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum. This document sets out the standards that all Early Years providers must meet to ensure the children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning and gives the children the broad range of knowledge and skills they need to develop into independent learners, building a foundation for future achievement and progression through school and beyond. We nurture a 'love for learning' here at Nansloe and each term have a specific topic upon which our learning is based taught through an exciting range of activities that both engage and excite.
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Our School Day
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08:45 ~ Doors open for Registration

09:00 ~ Wake and Shake,

09:15 ~ Learning our sounds

10:00 ~ Time for our numbers

10.45 ~ Snack & morning break

11.00 ~ Discovering the world around us

11.45 ~ Tidy up & hand washing before lunch

13.00 ~ Afternoon registration; arts and crafts and messy play

13:45 ~ Role play

14:30 ~ Storytime

15:15 ~The end of the day and we'll see you tomorrow!
School Uniform
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At Nansloe Academy, children are encouraged to wear their uniform with pride. This helps promote a sense of belonging, positive self-esteem and reinforces the need for children to have high expectations of themselves.

Whirlwind Sports in Helston stock our uniform for purchasing in-store or through their online shop:

The Aspire School Uniform Policy can be found on our website: