Book Creator

Ceramic Light

by Nigel Voak

Page 4 of 57

Ceramic Crown

Spiralling upwards towards the sky, this multi-faceted structure designed by Daniel Libeskind called the Ceramic Crown sits on a roundabout in Casalgrande near Reggio Emilia. It was inaugurated in October 2015.

The structure is based on a sleek and slender structural steel skeleton, entirely cladded with special porcelain stoneware tiles featuring a fractal pattern in relief. The Structure twists and turns to a height of 25 meters.

The structure is a pure compositional expression that emphasizes a twisting vertical thrust, demonstrating how a material like porcelain stoneware tiles can be applied in the most unexpected contexts.

There is a fascinating play of shape, light, shadow and reflection of the surroundings as one moves around this structure with its jagged edges, sharp angles and tortured geometry.