Book Creator

Gjimenez B2

by Genesis Aguirre Jimenez


The wind blew and it lifted my hair as i skipped towards the next ride with my sisters. My heels made a little clonk noise while I skipped past my sister towds the line to the next ride.My heart dropped as i looked at the possibly  fifty foot ride.  The Scream was painted on a sine that was about 20 feet tall. The ride made a woosh as the ride bringing the people on the ride drop for the last time. The people screamed which made the name of the ride make sense. I didn't know whether the people were screaming in terror like the people in the videos of rides braking mid ride and killing thousands of people or if they were just having fun still  i didn't want to take that risk of becoming one of those  people dying on rides.
The line moved forward we were next after the people in front of us. Another gust of wind blew in the California skies. I started to sneak away from my sisters but my heels made a another clonk noise making my sister  look at me with a confused look. “ where are you going” My sister asked as we moved up the line “I'm not going to ride that thing.” I began to walk away to a different safer looking ride. My sister didn't follow me like I thought she would she just stayed in the line  like if I didn't leave at all. I rolled my eyes as I walked away from the ride.
Another gust of wind blew caring dust because it made me sneeze. “Bless you” a girl possibly a year older than me said as she stood in the line for the same ride she waved at someone at the ride. I avenchely got bored of waiting so i went to look for my sisters at the ride the they were at expecting the ride to be over i waited for the people in the ride to come of to get together with my sisters but they did not come of the ride. The people walked of the ride saying how scary but grate it was. But out of the crowd my sisters weren't to be seen. I turned my head to see if i saw them behind me but they weren't there. I started to walk away from the ride caling my sister’s name but i heard nothing but the charter of other people in the park. I began to feel scared and stressed. My anxiety began to act up my heart began to race a million miles a hour.
I looked around for my sisters and i did not see them. I took out my phone and called my mom. My phone rang in my ear but lead to voicemail. I think i called about five more times but still i got nothing. Tears rolled down my cheeks i began to cry the wind hitting my teared up face making it cold. I began to yell out for mom but i don't think she heard me over the chatter of the people. I looked around one more time but still nothing. I walked around for what felt like hours which turned out only to be only 5 to ten minutes. After awhile someone approached me and asked if i wanted their help i said help i told them yes. Then my phone rang it was my mom I picked it up my mom told me where she was. I thanked the nice lady and ran to where my mom told me she was. I ran to her arms i was back with my mom i will never get lost again.               