Book Creator

S.T Patrick Day Stories

by Isabel João


St. Patrick's Day

"Luck" Stories
Desenho de Lorena Vale_8ºB
Untitled Design

1. The stupid kid and the Leprechaun.
Lorena Vale, Camila Candeias, Mariana Furtado

2. I found a Pot of Gold!
Camila Fortes, Joana Cardita , Mariana Zambujo ,
Matilde Cavalinhos

3. Endless Adventure
Letícia Gonçalves, Alice Martins, Guilherme Pinela

4. Lucky me! I found a pot of Gold!
Diogo Sofio, Afonso Fuzil, André Costa

5. The Leprechaun and the cat.
Afonso Baião, Pedro Raposo, Simão Marques

6. St, Patrick's Day Luck
Pedro Gonçalves, Tomás Pereira,
Gonçalo Matos
By 8th Grade _ Class B _ 2021-2022
The stupid kid
the Leprechaun
Johnny was walking in the forest looking for some mushrooms, when it started to rain. 
Johnny had to run for shelter!
while running he found an old abandoned house, or so he thought…
He got inside and found an old lady .... a little scary looking, he thought. The lady talked to him. She told him that if he finds a rainbow, he must look carefully at the end of it because there he will find an enormous pot of gold! And next to it, he will also find a Leprechaun!! 
After a while, it stopped raining, and the boy thought that this was the perfect opportunity to go look for that pot of gold and the Leprechaun. 

When he was looking for the rainbow, he accidentally dropped his bag of mushrooms. He tried to gather all of them into the bag and he looked around.
Oooops! What was that? He looked closer and…
Yes it a little weird green man.
"It must the Leprechaun!" He thought, and put a big smile on his face.
So as a stupid child would do, he followed him. 
Half an hour later, still following the little man, he found what he was looking for: The pot of Gold! And right next to it here was a Leprechaun! 
The Leprechaun screamed:

And Johnny woke up in his bed, with a four leaf clover on his hand!

At last, his luck got even better on this

St. Patrick 's day.
Untitled Design