Book Creator

ABC's de Puerto Rico

by Nina Vizcarrondo

Pages 2 and 3 of 35

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put together by Nina Vizcarrondo
Comidas de la isla / Foods of the island
Puerto Rico. My heart and soul. With the recent catastrophe of a hurricane hitting the island, those Puerto Rican's who live on the mainland have also suffered a different sort of trauma. With the destruction of the agriculture on the island as well, we must remember our cuisine and food connections to our land. Food is culture and as long as food is maintained, our culture will live on.

This photo guide is a food nostalgia alphabetical photo guide. Enjoy!
Retrieved from:
Schwartz, Tony. Nueva York: A Tape Documentary of Puerto Rican New Yorkers. Folkway Records. Track 12. Comment on Food. Released Jan 1, 1955.