Book Creator

Blue Sky 2018

by Gabriella Eaton


The Sky is the Limit
Blue Sky 2018
It’s time to L.A.U.N.C.H.
We have started Blue Sky. This year’s question is: What is a problem one of your non PLP peers has that you can fix? We are using the launch process to create our designs
Look, listen and Learn

Ask Questions

Understand the Problem

Navigate Ideas

Create a Prototype

Highlight and Fix
Look Listen and Learn
I found a client who had a very interesting problem, and created a solution for it. The problem my client, Brandon, was having was that the music binders we have simply do not fit in one’s bag. They’re too big to fit in a bag, and if you carry them by hand all your music gets soaked.

Ask Questions
Understanding the problems and solutions
I was lucky and my material was already waterproof
For understand problems I basically just did a bunch of research on the different options. I created different shapes for the bag. My first Idea 💡 was to create a pouch like device but that didn’t work at all. I realized all the paper would get folded and would defeat the purpose of the bag. I then had to consider what I could Use to fasten the pouch to my bag
Creating a prototype part 1
Creating the bag part 2