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Going Coastal!

by Gabby


Oregon 2017
Pre Trip Reflection/questions pt.1 
Fort Stevens seems like an interesting landmark to visit, for historical reasons and I have never been to a ‘fort’.
I am hoping to see a nudibranch. They seem interesting and colorful. Another reason I would like to see a nudibranch is that they seem fascinating. Colour wise. 
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Pre trip Reflection/question 
I am super excited to get to now everybody. Okay, maybe not everybody cause that’s a lot of people to get to know. But I am still really psyched. Except for the waking up super early to take the bus part. 🚍🚍🚍
I think one of my favorite parts of this trip will be to get to zip lining. Even though the idea of zip lining makes me feel like I’m about to pass out... should be fun. 😅
Bus selfie! With Me, Kiera, Taylor and Grace
Oregon Day 1
Travelling South with a stop at Cabela's!
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The Astoria Column
The Astoria Column is _125_ feet tall and is covered on the outside by a mural that depicts scenes from american and First Nation history in Oregon.
Oregon Day 2
Fort Stevens
I learnt about the  meaning of a military battery. A military battery is an ensemble of riffles (large guns), shells, shots and cleaning supplies. I also learnt about a 360º riffle, a riffle that can turn 360º to shoot at the attackers. There is only one 360º riffle left in the world.  And it is shown in the picture on the right.  The riffle is actually in the picture, the riffle was scrapped for spare parts. Only the battery was left. 

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