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The Middle Colonies

by Sebastian Adam

Pages 4 and 5 of 7

Here in the middles our goal is to get you the big bucks, and protect your religion. Let’s focus on the big bucks for now
Here in the middles one of our industries is farming, mostly because we here work as a team to get some dollar bills by building our houses close together and then using the rest of our land to farm.
Another one of our strongest industries is sailing because when you’re out at sea you’re not just sailing , you’re also whaling,fishing, and trading. We also have an easily accessible coastline for any newcomers.
For our last three entries we have lumbering, trapping , trading. We have easy access to woods for lumber and for tiny forest creatures, and trading ropes into our entire way of life.
We are innovators, we have heroes like Benjamin Franklin who invent wild things that protect our people.
We middle colonists are geniuses, and if you move here you can be one too! We are also leaders, our people are the first to fight for independence.
We are the birthplace of the lightning rod, the lightbulb, the concept of paved roads, and many other trailblazing ideas.

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