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History of Ancona part 2

by Marco Leone

Pages 4 and 5 of 7

Ancona joins Kingdom of Italy.

Pontifical troops, after Castelfidardo defeat, resisted and defended their last territories, but when Italian army rounded Ancona started a new siege. Then they entered Ancona. On 3rd october 1860 King Vittorio Emanuel II went to celebrate Ancona as part of Italy. 

First world war
In the early 1900s Ancona was involved in many anarchist riots that led to “Red Week” (an antimilitarist rebellion) as a consequence of debate between interventist and neutralist just before Italy joined the first world war.
On 24th May 1915 Austrian bombed Ancona. Many people died and the Cathedral was seriously damaged. In addition, the city was affected by some earthquakes from 21st October 1916.
City harbour soon became a military motorboat (MAS) base led by Captain Luigi Rizzo. During the war Carlo Grassi and Giuseppe Maganuco standed out for their strong resistence against Austrian invasion. Emilio Bianchi was awarded a gold medal for his military valour. 
Massimo D' Azeglio
Luigi Mercantini

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