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How to save water

by Larisa and Haniah


How to save water
By Larisa Bhundia & Haniah Sheikh
How important water really is.
Water is very important in this world. If we didn’t have water we would die.In this world people don’t have any clean water and we go round wasting it.
Developing. Developed
Loads people waste water while having a bath or shower and using the toilet and sink.You can save water by turning the tap off whilst brushing your teeth.Saving water while having a shower or bath is easy all you have to do is fill up the bath to halfway or less and don’t take a long shower
In developing countries the one flush of the toilet is what one family have to share between them
Did you
Did you know that the dishwasher is better for saving water in the kitchen.The sink uses a lot more water because you would wash one dish at a time.Always make sure that the dishwasher is full before turning it on.Also always scrape before putting in the dishwasher

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