Book Creator

The Cougar Hangout

by SHS Library Team

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organized by SHS library team
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About the Authors
Mrs. Krieg is Sahuaro's Librarian. She, Mr. Krieg and her three boys are all SHS Cougar graduates. Mrs. Krieg loves all things active like swimming, hiking, biking, gardening...and most of all playing with her family. She feels very blessed to back as a Sahuaro Cougar.

Mateo Chavez is a charismatic student and the creator of “The Work Pad”. He
enjoys actively participating in sports such as Basketball and Volleyball along with spending quality time with family and friends. 
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Davin Schlak is an intellectual high school student with a 4.2 GPA, that is hardworking and dedicated to his education. In his off time, he works with technology and helps others, as well as playing soccer, volleyball, and the guitar. 
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Damian Martinez is a hardworking senior at Sahuaro High School. He is very passionate about his work and grades and does whatever it takes to get the job done. He enjoys all different types of genres of music and has a diverse music library. Damian is currently a member of the Sahuaro’s Student Council, and always finding new ways to get involved at Sahuaro!
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Adam Poe is a passionate writer and loves to drive and spend all his money on his car. His hobbies are playing basketball, looking at cars, and playing video games. He also likes to go out with friends and his girlfriend.
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Joyce Dam is a creative student willing to share some interesting facts. She is a bit quiet but is willing to put in the effort on whatever she’s passionate about. She enjoys reading from time to time and creating art. She hopes that you take the time to read her facts!
Celeste Harp is a movie fanatic and is the creator behind Movie Madness. She enjoys going outside and being active. On her down time she loves to watch all sorts of movies. She is so excited to bring all of you all sorts of new movie suggestions to help take your mind off the stresses of virtual learning. 
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Alysia Sims is fascinated by video games. She loves to learn to play new ones and spend hours playing the ones she already loves. Alysia’s favorite school subjects are anything with math or science. Outside of school, Alysia loves to play piano and play tennis.
Aubrey Hubble loves to read and is always looking for a good book. She loves stories and can always be found reading a book or watching television. When she isn’t filling her story quota, she loves to serve and help others. She loves to keep her hands busy by doing crafts, but mostly makes baby hats for local hospitals in Tucson, Arizona. She is a senior at Sahuaro High School. 
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Kiley Spellman is a very avid writer who loves to write exciting stories and loves to travel. She is the author of “Tourist Trapped! Virtual Tours” and she is excited to show you around all the weird and wonderful places in the world. She loves to act, sing, and paint and she loves all the fun and creative things in the world. With so many fun things to do, why don’t you let her show you around? Let’s go!
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Trinity Vargas is a senior this year. She is the student behind the Library resource’s event calendar “What’s Upcoming Cougars!”. She enjoys doing art, trying new things, and napping. 
Brianna Hebert spends many a day writing her own stories and enjoying various shows on various platforms. She is in charge of “Cougar Tales”, a collection of stories and poems written by students. When she isn’t learning about animals and enjoying time with friends, she is most likely reading. 

“The heart is an arrow, it demands aim to land true,” (Bardugo, Six of Crows)
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Kayda Alegria is cool and so are her fun facts !!
She enjoys listening to the same songs on
repeat and decorating her room.
Kayda is very shy and quiet but once
you become her friend she never
stops talking. She’s a huge supporter of
the lgbtq+ community too !!
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Anaveve Santa Cruz is a somewhat decent artist and is behind “Anaveve’s Art Corner” a space where students can share art tips and artwork. She likes to spend most of her time painting intricate designs on her bedroom walls. 
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Daniel Piller is a senior in high school. While at school, he likes English. He enjoys physical activity like football and basketball. Check out the video games he recommends.
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Laci Pickering is a Sahuaro High School Senior who loves to draw and hang with friends and is the head behind “Quotes and Quignogs” which is a page with inspirational quotes for a tough year.  
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Alexsia Guerra is a kindhearted hard worker
who is behind “The Guide to Greatness;
a lifestyle to keep after high school”. She
talks about how far kindness and courage
can take you in life, motivational quotes to
stop you from giving up, tips and tricks to help you throughout this hard time, but especially to let you know we're in this as a family. Alexsia who is mostly known as ‘Lexi’ enjoys spending time with family and friends, playing volleyball, and painting. During this quarantine she had practiced painting a lot and has stepped up with helping her brother by babysitting her nephews every week. Even though she is a very social person and misses her friends she knows that safety is the number one priority and is taking precautions wherever she needs to go. Alexsia is very optimistic and hopes we can have the year we all hoped for!
Bella’s topic for the Library Newsletter is The Cougar Kindness Corner and she is passionate about it because she thinks everyone needs to put out kindness into the world. Outside of school, she likes to draw and paint as well as listen to music. At home, she likes to play with her two dogs.
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About the Cougars Hangout Resource Book
Clickable Index!
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Read this book!
By Veronica Roth
"Tris Prior lives in a futuristic world in which society is divided into five factions. As each person enters adulthood, he or she must choose a faction and commit to it for life. Tris chooses Dauntless -- those who pursue bravery above all else. However, her initiation leads to the discovery that she is a Divergent and will never be able to fit into just one faction. Warned that she must conceal her status, Tris uncovers a looming war which threatens everyone she loves." - Movie summary (which is almost the same exact thing as the book, minus a few scenes)
I loved this book! It kept my attention from to beginning to end. The story is amazing, and it has a good balance of adventure, clean romance, and betrayal. There were many themes in this book, including: finding one's identity, being brave and making your own decisions, and standing up for what is right. Highly recommend!
If you want more recommendations for books, movies, television shows, or podcasts, consider downloading the Likewise app.