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List of Important Days and Dates 2021 - 2022 (National/International)

by Sanja Pavlovic Sijanovic


eTwinning project The green changemakers
List of Important Days and Dates 2021 - 2022 (National/International)
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16.11. International Day of Tolerance
Today we celebrate International Day of Tolerance. This recognises the universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of others. People are naturally diverse; only tolerance can ensure the survival of mixed communities in each region of the globe. In 1996. The United Nations General Assembly called on its members to mark a day of respect and appreciation for the different, in line with the 1995 Declaration on the Principles of Tolerance of UNESCO, which defines tolerance not only as a moral duty, but also a legal and political obligation for the individual, social groups and states. Tolerance implies respect, acceptance and appreciation of diversity in world cultures as well as forms of expression, will and aspiration to accept and respect diversity, regardless of political belief, religious, age, racial or gender differences.
18.11. Remembrance Day for the victims of Vukovar 1991
Croatia marks Remembrance Day in honour of Vukovar's sacrifice and its heroic defenders. It is a day of thanksgiving, memory and national pride. A day when we remember our fallen heroes. Every year, thousands of Croatians flock to Vukovar to commemorate this day. Tens of thousands of people gathered on Thursday in the city and joined the commemorative Vukovar remembrance procession. The procession went through the streets of Vukovar as those in it expressed gratitude to Croatian defenders and people who suffered during the Homeland War.
Remembering Vukovar, a city that will forever be a hero:
3.12. International Day of Persons with Disabilities
International Disability Day is celebrated on 3 December with activities promoting understanding of the issue of disability and mobilising support enabling the dignity, realisation of rights and well-being for persons with disabilities.
People with disabilities are people who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments, which in interaction with different obstacles can prevent their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others. Therefore, it is important to "put yourself in the shoes" of those who permanently or occasionally need our help in order to better understand them and understand the necessity of adaptation to people with disabilities, their characteristics and specifics of functioning, as well as the limitations that are the consequences of damage and illness on the one hand, but also the obstacles that modern society places on the other.
UN figures show that more than a billion people in the world have some form of disability, and more than 100 million people with disabilities are children. As far as Croatia is concerned, according to data from the Croatian Institute of Public Health in March this year, there are more than half a million people with disabilities living in our country. They make up about 12% of the total population.
Every year, International Disability Day is celebrated with a different theme, and this year's theme is: "Leadership and participation of people with disabilities towards an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-COVID-19 world."
We change attitudes, learn tolerance, respect for diversity, patience, humanity, empathy – ultimately we create a more educated and sensitive society in which children with developmental disabilities will successfully grow up as future active and equal members of the community with support.
Reaching out, giving a smile, to the little things – we make the world bigger and better!
27. 01. International Holocaust Memorial Day
Outside the school building, we planted saffron bulbs in memory of a million and a half Jewish children and thousands of other children who died during the Holocaust. The aim of the activity is to raise students' awareness of the dangers of discrimination, prejudice and racism, symbolically sending a message of hope for a better tomorrow by planting saffron and sprouting them. By involving students in planting bulbs and watching flowers grow, we encourage continuous learning about the importance of tolerance and respect.
Remembering the crimes of the Holocaust together and working together to ensure that such history is never repeated and is the way   to go. The obligation of today's generations is to take these measures to prevent disasters, teach you from the past and build a society in which everyone is treated equally and in which no one is left behind. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a blueprint for achieving a better and more sustainable future for all.
24.12. 2021. Počinju blagdani!
Yunus Emre Anatolian High School team designed Christmas cards using Canva web 2 tool.