Book Creator


by Sanja Pavlovic Sijanovic

Pages 4 and 5 of 21

Lucija, Mihajlo, Matej, Nika and Lara created a presentation in MS PowerPoint that they turned into a video as part of an e-security topic called "Let's create a better Internet together." The video contains content related to the positives and benefits of the Internet, the phenomenon of social networks, the negative side of the Internet with special emphasis on Cyberbullying, and tips for protecting privacy and ensuring security on the Internet while respecting Internet etiquette.
Anamarija, Dora, Magdalena and Ivana created an animated video on the theme Intellectual Property - Copyright and CC Licenses. Through video, they explained to us the concept and meaning of copyright of this type of CC licenses. They created the animated video in the Animaker tool, but for the purpose of being published in Twinspace, the video was converted from .mov file to .mp4 file and published using the Vimeo tool.