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Sophia's Response to The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

by Sophia

Pages 6 and 7 of 10

Big Idea
Alice wanted to be Mary for this year's Christmas Pageant. She was Mary every year though. All the Herdmans were cast except for Imogene. When the director asked Alice she said no. So Imogene got the part and Alice wanted it back. She thought the part of Mary would give her an identity as a holy, calm, and graceful little girl. So she wanted to get Imogene OUT of the Christmas Pageant.
"One day I saw Alice Wendlekin writing something down on a little pad of paper, and trying to hide it with her other hand. 'It's none of your business' she said. It wasn't any of my business, but it wasn't any of Alice's either. What she wrote was 'Gladys Herdman drinks communion wine.' 'It isn't wine,' I said. 'It's grape juice.' 'I don't care what it is, she drinks it. I've seen her three times with her mouth all purple. They steal crayons from the Sunday-School cupboards, too, and if you shake the Happy Birthday bank in the kindergarden room it doesn't make a sound. They stole all the pennies out of that.' I was amazed at Alice. I would never think to go and shake the Happy Birthday bank. ' And every time you go in the girl's room," she went on, ' the whole air is blue, and Imogene Herdman is sitting in there in the Mary costume, smoking cigars!'"

The Herdmans always made me frown.
Imogene said, "You're going down!"
She always blackmails.
Gladys hits me with nails!
Though they turned the pageant upside down!

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