Book Creator

My Day at the Beach

by Kelly, Maddie, Jess

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My Day at the Beach
A Photobook by Author Name
Kelly, Maddie, Jess
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One sunny morning my family went to the beach. Mom packed snacks and umbrellas. My sister brought our favorite shovels and buckets to play with.
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The car ride took forever! Dad was trying to play the license plate game, but I could only think about building a BIG sandcastle.
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WE FINALLY MADE IT! I was trying to run into the ocean, but Mom grabbed me and made me put on sunscreen first.
The sun was so hot. I couldn’t wait to jump in the ocean. Me and my sister ran as fast as could. There were lots of big waves and I fell down so many times.
Then, we played in the sand. I used my shovel and bucket to make huge sand castles. I had so much fun.
When the day was over, we had ice cream at the boardwalk. We ate vanilla and chocolate on a cone and sprinkles. My sister fell asleep in her car seat and I watched the ocean when we drove away.
I felt sad. The day turned to night and we left the beach behind. But mom said we will come back. See you next summer!!!

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