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Greek Easter Traditions

by Vivi Panagiotidou

Pages 2 and 3 of 23

Holy Week And Greek Easter Traditions
For Greeks, Easter is the biggest religious holiday of the year. Although many of the celebrations have roots to pre-Christian times – the Elysian mysteries in ancient Greece were also a celebration of rebirth after death when in winter everything dies and in spring they’re born again – today in Greece, Easter celebrations have a direct connection with the Orthodox faith.

Preparation for Easter begins with Kathara Deutera (Clean Monday), which is the first day of lent. During lent, which lasts for forty days before Easter, one is not supposed to eat anything that comes form animals with blood in its veins. Basically, that means no meat, fish, milk, cheese and egg.
The big week, or as it is known in Greek ‘Megali Evdomada,’ is the week from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. Despite it being an ordinary work week, shops have special hours, there are church services every evening, and many people clean and prepare their homes in preparation for the big feast of Easter Sunday
Holy Week is essentially a revival of Jesus´ last days when the Orthodox Church relives the last week of the life of Jesus