Book Creator

a week of art

by Kaia W

Pages 2 and 3 of 13

by Kaia W
For this design, the skill was lines & pressure.

The final product for this skill was to create our name or a word in bubble/block/3D letters (or something similar to that).

I started off with simple block letters, using the line tool (which makes all your lines straight). Then I added colour to them, with a gradient of some of my favourite colours (or similar shades to them). Next, I made them 3D and used a darker shade for that part. Since it still wasn’t super interesting, I decided to add some vines weaving around the letters, to add a unique touch and also because I really like drawing that style of vines. I started with an outline and then used colour fill to add green inside. Finally, I used a colour fill pattern in a light beige/cream colour and then, using the same pattern, added blobs (with a lighter version of the nearest letter’s colour).

Overall, I am super happy and proud of the final result and it is my favourite of my designs!
For this design, the skill was shapes and doodles.

Everyone chose an emoji to recreate as a drawing. I chose the 😁 emoji, because it’s not too easy or too hard and I use it a lot too.

At first, I was being a bit too perfectionist and I was also struggling to blend the colours. In the end, I think that it turned out ok. One thing I would fix is that the very light yellow at the top shouldn’t have spread so far out. The teeth were also a bit too white. In the original emoji the eyes look more indented, so I would also improve on that.

Anyways, I think that despite the initial struggles, it ended up fairly well.