Book Creator


by Kaia W

Pages 4 and 5 of 17

OCTOBER 2 1535
After travelling to Hochelaga in the smallest of his boats, the Émérillion, Jacques and some of his men arrived in the Iroquois community, which was more impressive than Stadacona. They were instantly welcomed ashore and led by their hosts, Jacques began climbing the mountain that overlooked the village and the river. At the top, the guides showed him the river routes and shared of the riches of the west and the “Kingdom of the Saguenay”. Though Jacques appreciated their hospitality, he prepared to continue on.
OCTOBER 11 1535
Jacques returned to the base (which was near Stadacona) after an unsuccessful journey along the river. When he had encountered rapids, he had been forced to turn around despite his beliefs that it was the Northwest Passage to China. Upon his arrival back at the base, he was given more bad news: their relations with the Iroquois had worsened. However, Jacques realized that it was too late to return to France; they would be staying for winter.
OCTOBER 11 1535
Jacques returned to the base (which was near Stadacona) after an unsuccessful journey along the river. When he had encountered rapids, he had been forced to turn around despite his beliefs that it was the Northwest Passage to China. Upon his arrival back at the base, he was given more bad news: their relations with the Iroquois had worsened. However, Jacques realized that it was too late to return to France; they would be staying for winter.