Book Creator

Earth Day Year 7

by Magdalena Polikowska


Earth Day
Saturday 22nd April 2023
Magdalena Polikowska
By Milena K
Protecting our planet starts with you
How and why we celebrate the earth day
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The first Earth Day - archive, April 1970
Caption At malesuada nisl felis sit amet dolor. Duis ultrices semper lorem nisl felis sit. At malesuada nisl felis sit amet dolor nisl felis.
Words by Milena K

Our planet is an amazing place, but it needs our help to thrive! That’s why each year on April 22, more than a billion people celebrate Earth Day to protect the planet from things like pollution and 
deforestation. By taking part in activites like picking up litter and planting trees, we’re making our world a happier, healthier place to live.
Fifty years ago, millions of Americans
participated in the
first Earth Day, an event
held to increase public
awareness of the world’s
environmental problems

Newspaper Stand
The Earth Day
Wednesday the 25th April 2023
written by Lukas
Save energy
Comic Panel 1
Why should we save energy?
1. Switch off lights and electrical appliances when you are not using them.
2. Use energy-saving LED light bulbs.
3. Shut windows when the heating is on.
4. Do not use air conditioning when it is not really needed.
5. Use solar powered devices.
6. Wash at cold a temperature.
7. Install solar panels on the roof of your house to generate free energy.
The reason why we should save energy is our planet: Earth. Generating electricity and heating by coal, gas and oil causes big damages to the environment. Greenhouse gases produced by human activity cause climate changes what is very bed for people, animals and plants. To protect our planet we need to reduce emission of these gases and I will give you some examples how we can do it. Please check the list below the picture.
Earth Day
by Tereska
PAPER (books, magazines, carton, cardboard, stratch paper)
PLASTIC (bags, bottles, packet)
Caption At malesuada nisl felis sit amet dolor. Duis ultrices semper lorem nisl felis sit. At malesuada nisl felis sit amet dolor nisl felis.
GLASS (bottles, jars)
Recycling is very important! Will be our planet clean and pretty or pollute and ugly? We decide. Remember! When you sort rubbish, don't leave it in the forest and park, you help our Earth.
Saturday 22nd April 2023
Hania Ka
Get a bike
Do you want to breathe dirty air?
With these little things you can help the planet a lot.
Give your neighbour or friend a ride to school or work.
Smog from cars causes the Earth to become dead! Road transport has the greatest impact on air quality.
Most people die not because of asthma, but because of a heart attack, embolism and stroke. They are caused among other things, by smog.
Why mindlessy pollute the Earth?
Take a bike instead of a car.
In big cities, public transport for students is free. This is to encourage teenagers to use public transport to reduce the number of cars on the streets.
People pollute the air more by driving. We harm not only the planet, animals and plants, but aloso ourselves. Air quality in Poland is among the worst in Europe.
In Poland, over 40,000 people die every year due to poor air quality. In large cities, car traffic and aviaation have the greatest impact on the number of deaths.
The World Earth Day
Monday 28th April 2023
by Tadeusz
How to compost food
Benefits of food composting
Comic Panel 1
Caption At malesuada nisl felis sit amet dolor. Duis ultrices semper lorem nisl felis sit. At malesuada nisl felis sit amet dolor nisl felis.
Hi guys, in this article I want to convince you that composting food is very useful, healthy and ecological and I want to learn you How compost food.
first to compost food you need... composter. You can make it with many things , for examle with barrel. If you have a composter, you also need leftovers, which you can also throw grass and leaves in there
Benefits of food composting are for example,
- having cheap fertilizer for plants both in the pot and in the garden
-Saving on rubbish collection
Buy local Food
Why we should buy local food
Buying local food can have several benefits for both individuals and the broader community. Here are a few reasons why we might consider buying local food:
- Supports local farmers: when you buy local food you are supporting farmers and producers in your own community. This can help to strengthen the local economy and create jobs.
- Fresher produce: local food is often fresher than food that has been shipped long distances. This means it may be more nutritious and have a better taste.
- Reduces environmental impact: Transporting food long distances can have a significant environmental impact due to the fuel used in transportation. Buying local food can help to reduce this impact.
- Supports biodiversity: When you buy local food, you are supporting a diversity of crops and livestock that may not be available from larger, industrial farms.
- Builds community: Buying local food can help to build a sense of community by connecting consumers with the people who produce their food.

Overall, buying local food can have many benefits for individuals and communities, from supporting local farmers to reducing environmental impact and building community.
Locally grown food is full of flavor. When grown locally, the crops are picked at their peak of ripeness versus being harvested early in order to be shipped and distributed to your local retail store. Eating local food is eating seasonally.
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Even though we wish strawberries were grown year round in Michigan, the best time to eat them is when they can be purchased directly from a local grower. Local food has more nutrients. Local food has a shorter time between harvest and your table, and it is less likely that the nutrient value has decreased. Food imported from far-away states and countries is often older, has traveled and sits in distribution centers before it gets to your store.Local food supports the local economy. The money that is spent with local farmers and growers all stays close to home and is reinvested with businesses and services in your community.
Keep calm and eat local grown
by Zuzanna S.
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Why Local Food Is Better Than Imported?
There are several reasons why local food is better:
- Freshness- Local food is typically fresher than food that has been transported from far away. This is because local food doesn't have to travel as far, so it spends less time in transit and on store shelves. As a result, it retains more of its nutrients and flavor.
- Sustainability- When you buy local food, you are supporting local farmers and the local economy. This means that fewer resources are used to transport the food, and there is less pollution from transportation. Additionally, local farmers often use sustainable farming practices, which are better for the environment.
- Seasonality- Local food is often grown seasonally, which means that you are eating fruits and vegetables when they are naturally meant to be consumed. This not only supports the local ecosystem, but it also means that the produce is at its peak freshness and nutritional value.
- Diversity- Local food often includes a wider variety of fruits and vegetables than you might find in a grocery store. This is because local farmers often grow heirloom varieties and other unique crops that are not typically grown on a large scale.
- Traceability- When you buy local food, you can often trace it back to the farm where it was grown. This provides transparency and accountability in the food system, and can help ensure that the food is safe and healthy.