Book Creator

Get Over Nicotine Safely with Courage and Power

by Linda Royer, PhD, RN

Pages 4 and 5 of 40

Perhaps, you are not yet committed to quitting the behavior and "pleasure" of tobacco product use. But, the voice in your head and the loved ones and friends around you have reminded you that you put your life at risk.

So, let's review some startling facts about the "culture" you have been embracing.
Did you know . . .
-- An individual who smokes 1.5 packs/day, may be spending at least $3,300/year!
-- One who chews a can of tobacco per day, could be spending $1100/year on a sure path to oral cancer.
--Tobacco use, particularly cigarette smoking, remains the leading cause of preventable illness and death in this country.
--Around the world, tobacco kills up to half of its users, resulting in 6 million deaths a year, according to WHO. More than 5 million of those are the result of direct tobacco use while over 600,000 are non-smokers exposed to second-hand smoke.
--Most cigar and pipe users have at least some college education, but cigarette smoking is more concentrated among those with less than a college education. 
-- For the smoker, the risk of developing Peripheral Artery Disease - blocked leg arteries - increases as we live longer . . . potentially leading to an amputation and reduced quality of life.
3 Trillion cigarette butts are carelessly thrown or flicked into the environment each year. Only about 1/3 end up in the trash, the rest trash up the streets, pass into the drainage systems and make their way to the sea where nicotine and tar are leached. The filters are made of cellulose acetate--plastic. . . eaten mistakenly as prey by marine life.

And, who knew? Electronic cigarettes are handled the same way by many smokers--tossed into the environment . . . on their way to the sea.

Not only are tobacco product users responsible to their own health, but they are responsible to the health and safety of other humans and our environment!