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Get Moving!

by Linda Royer, PhD, RN

Pages 6 and 7 of 25

Once your physician has said it’s OK to start a physical activity program, you are ready to begin the First Step to Active Health program.
FirstSteps to Active Health
is an excellent Physical Activity program for building and maintaining flexibility and strength.
Here is how you can set your best foot forward . . .
Getting Started
Increasing your physical activity level can be relatively easy, if you know how. One easy way is to incorporate physical activity into your normal routines like walking rather than driving, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or parking the car further away from the store. There are several steps to getting started with a more structured physical activity program. 

Download the First Step Assessment Form from the Documents List on LivingSmart website and review the functional task checklist.

Keep track of your activity using an ACTIVITY LOG (PDF)
Getting Started . . .
1.   While it is generally not necessary to see a health care provider before beginning every-day physical activities that are of light or moderate intensity, we encourage you to talk with your health care provider about your health and exercise as part of your regular visits. 
2.   Test your physical limitations with the First Step Assessment Form (previous page) and review the functional task checklist. Mark those tasks that you have relative difficulty performing. Next, check the activities that are very important for your daily living.
3.   Set your goals. Once you have identified your limitations, you can determine which physical activities are most important for you to perform. Your goals should be based on your limitations noted above as well as your own preferences. You should write your goals down on the chart by listing at least 5 of the specific functional tasks you need to improve. Once you have your goals listed, you need to give yourself a reasonable timetable for achieving them.
4.   Develop your physical activity program. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends the following components of any exercise program, particularly for older adults:
o   Incorporate moderate activities for a goal of 30 minutes, at least 4 days per week
o   Include warm-up & cool down with each workout
o   Perform strengthening activities at least 2 days per week
o   Incorporate balance activities into daily activities