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Flashback Book

by Jack Thorpe

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

Our Flashback Book!
By Middle Phase
Summer Term 1
Achieving success together
World War 2!
Here are our learning questions...
1) Why did World War 2 break out?
2) Who were the leaders during WW2?
3) Which countries were involved?
4) What was it like to be a soldier?
5) What was the role of the RAF?
6) What was The Blitz?
7) What was the role of woman during the war?
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Comic Panel 1
We have used 'The Lion and The Unicorn' as a stimulus for our writing this half term. We wrote a 1st person narrative based on this WW2 story.

Listen below to some of the paragraphs written by middle phase!
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We've been focussing on fractions this half term. We've looked at key vocabulary such as: denominator, numerator, parts, whole, equivalent, order and compare. We have also looked at angles and started to learn how to tell the time!
We've also been learning our times tables... have a listen!
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In RE we have been looking at Christianity and exploring the question: What do Christians mean when they talk about the Kingdom of God?
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In PE we've been learning techniques to improve our skills in striking and fielding. This is all building up to team games such as cricket and rounders.
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In PSHE we have been learning about jealousy and how to solve situations where we might feel jealousy.
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We have started our unit of work on producing a movie about the story of an evacuee. We had to research on the internet to find our interesting facts!
We are continuing with this after half term!
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This half term we have learnt a song called 'Bringing us together'.
We listened and appraised the song - focussed on rhythms - practised singing - introduced instruments - improvised and composed - then performed our song.
In DT this half term we have designed, made and evaluated Anderson shelters based on our topic of WW2. Some key vocab included: net and shell structure.

Here is an example!
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Comic Panel 3
We have continued reading a range of texts in middle phase. Listen to a couple of recommendations of books read in Middle Phase this half term.
In Art this half term we completed a Jubilee inspired Art project. We all be decorated a wooden tile each, with drawings related to the Queen’s Jubilee and her 70 years on the throne.
Comic Panel 4
On Thursday 28th April 2022 we were lucky enough to attend The School Farm and Country Fair at trinity park. This was an exciting day with plenty of activities and learning happening. The children experienced meeting many animals, having a ride on a tractor's trailer, learning about food and how farming works!
On Friday 27th May 2022 we took part in Jubilee celebrations. We learnt dances from the 80s and 90s as part of this. Some teachers also got gunged!
Well done if you were one of our pupils of the week for 'Responsibility'!
Check out to find out more about what we've been up to week by week!

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