Book Creator


by Sammy


Table Of Contents
1.......The Great And Dangerous Build
7.......Tour Of The Ship
8........The Luggage
12........The End
You wake up, get up, and stand out of bed, and then, you remember:

You're servant opens the door and says in his charming voice,
"Hello, what would you like for breakfast this morning?" You love his charming voice, and then even more happy that you are on the greatest ship ever, of course, TITANIC. You're exited for the rest of the day, if you have one. It's because you remind yourself what you saw, what really scared you. If there's an emergency, you know there aren't enough life boats. But, you also know that emergency will never happen, you are on the UNSINKABLE TITANIC. But very sadly, it did.
The Great And Dangerous Build
When people were building Titanic, there were a couple of bad problems, here are some:

One thing that went wrong was that people thought that Titanic was unsinkable because there was a cool feature when water went in, a big metal door would close the water in a room, and Titanic would still float! [ people also thought Titanic was unsinkable because of its luxury and how stable it was, but they were wrong.] Another wrong thing was that the Titanic didn't have enough lifeboats, because the builders also thought that Titanic was unsinkable too; and also the crew and everyone thought there ship was SO good, that they didn't even do a drill, in case the ship sank!

There was also something wacky about the ship, there were 4 funnels at the top of the ship, and 3 of them had smoke coming out of them, but only 1 of them DIDN'T have smoke coming out, it was just for decoration!?!
There was some tragedy during the building of Titanic. Some construction workers, actually ALL the construction workers in the WORLD back then, were not safe. For example, when people were building skyscrapers, all that was holding them up was, even when they were having lunch, you've seen the pictures, they were only supported by ONE SINGLE BEAM. So some people would die building sky scrapers, same thing for Titanic. Eight people were KILLED during the of building Titanic. So it's an extremely dangerous job being a construction worker.
Building the Titanic took very long. Soon the news of Titanic spread far and wide, everyone was talking about it. A LOT of people were getting tickets. They got tickets for first class and second class, and then 3rd class. For first class tickets, it cost OVER $700!!!!!!!! The Titanic was almost done and more and more people were getting tickets. Some people who didn't have a lot of money and who were poor were either going to second class or third class. Rich people who had a lot of money or owned mansions were going to 1st class.
Now, it was the last and final days till Titanic's departure! The ship was almost done! Most people already got tickets. Everyone was super excited! There would be so many people there! Everyone would be waving goodbye; it was the ship's first voyage, and it's last.