Book Creator

Journey of the Dead

by Thomas Carroll

Pages 8 and 9 of 25

Samosa crouched on the edge of the 11th gate. Past the gate was a small sand dune. However, instead of a giant cliff wall blocking the side of the dune, a large ocean of scarabs scuttled around. These scarabs were the prison of Apep, the giant serpent monster of destruction. The scarabs stopped him from leaving the underworld, but Apep could still reign supreme here.
Samosa had an invisibility spell especially for avoiding Apep. But he winced. He was still weak from the demon attack. He was not sure how long he could hold the spell. As he held out his scroll, a large serpentine body rose out of the scarbs. Samosa looked on in terror at the boat ahead, as a large serpent head rose out of the scarbs and began to attack. The guards on the boat tried to stop him, but Samosa knew they would fail in the end. He cast his invisibility spell and walked on.
His spell flickered every time Samosa winced in pain. Soon, he reached Apep, relentlessly attacking the boat. Samosa's nerves affected his spell, his figure flickering in and out of visibility at an alarming rate. When he reached the underside of Apep. The serpent stopped mid strike. His nostrils flared as he bore down on Samosa. Samosa stopped and cowered below Apep, no doubt in his mind this would be the last thing he would see. Then suddenly, and blinding flash out light spread through the cavern. The mighty Ra, king of the gods, rode his boat through the river, completing his nightly journey.
Apep rose and struck at Ra, but gods like Horus the Falcon and Sobek the Crocodile held him back by striking him with long spears. The light of Ra flowed into Samosa, healing his wounds. Courage returned, Samosa sprinted past the 12th gate, and lined up to have his turn to be judged in the Hall of the Dead.