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Historical Figure Book Project

by Sophia Winland

Pages 4 and 5 of 8

Quick MLA Citation Format Overview:
This page is to give you a quick overview of the citation format. Feel free to reach out though if you have questions or concerns.

When gathering information, you need to write down: Author, Title, Title Container, Contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication Date, and Location of the source.
Thought Bubble
If you use online sources, it is recommended that you include the access date at the end of your citation. This means the day that you looked at the information and wrote it down. URLs are also usually recommended, but I will not require them as long as you provide the website name from where you got your information!
If you have any more questions, the Purdue website and the video below are great resources!
Questions to Ask Youself
Keep these questions in mind as you do your research:

If it is a web source, is it credible?
This means essentially, is the information the same as another source? For example, if a source says that the person was born in 1755 when every other source you have seen says they were born in 1740, then the source is probably not credible.

What type of bias is there?
It is important to assert what possible bias sources may have. Does the information you are being given try to sell you anything (does not necessarily have to be a product, it can be a certain story or view of the person you are researching)?

What information is important?
You might receive a lot of different information while you research. While you want to be true in presenting the life of your historical figure, it is important to prioritize what you want to share with us. Don't share too little information though!

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