Book Creator

Using digital technology in English

by Jean Edwards

Pages 4 and 5 of 27

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Making the world talk with Chatterpix

Chatterpix (Duck Duck Moose LLC, 2013) is an app for iPads and iPhones.


It allows you to take a photo and then add 30 seconds of recorded speech (the version of the app called ChatterPix Kids does not allow any sharing outside the app if you want to restrict these features when working with children).
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Make any object or picture tell you its own story!
Speech Bubble
Making the world talk with Chatterpix

ChatterPix is an example of a digital tool that works best when combined with real life resources and used in a collaborative context.

Giving children googly eyes to use along with the app can inspire ideas and speech. These can be bought from various places (as separate small items or as self adhesive eyes on a roll, linked below) or made, laminated and reused. There are a set you download below)
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