Book Creator

Christopher Columbus

by Hunter Perry


This journal belongs to:
Christopher Columbus
August 2nd, 1492 - Ciao, I am Christopher Columbus, the year is 1492 and I am one of many expeditions trying to find a new trade route to Asia across the Atlantic. Portugal is also trying to find a new trade route but competition is tight. If I discover a new trade route, I will be remembered in history forever, I will be known for connecting the two continents! I can spread Christianity and find gold and loot! Tomorrow, I set sail with my friend Herman Cortés. I will get some rest and make another entry out at sea.

August 12th, 1492 - The seas are rough, and the winds are high, I have been 12 days at sea and have had no luck. On my compass, I am heading west, hoping to hit the coast of Asia. Not much is happening out here at sea. As the days go by, I start to believe there is no way across the ocean.
October 12th, 1492 - Day 60, I think, I have just discovered some islands! I believe they are part of the Indian coast, but I may be wrong. I will be remembered in history forever! Later in the day, my crew and I set foot on the land, but it wasn’t India. There were new people, plants, and riches, I could trade this! What was this strange place?
July 3rd, 1495 - Greetings, its me again, a few years have passed and there is a lot of trade and apparently the land I ran into was a new continent called “the Americas”. Animals, crops, and slaves are being traded. There are also some new diseases like syhplilis. That’s all from me, that has been my final entry, goodbye.
Photo Sources
World History Encyclopedia
Wikipedia Commons