Book Creator

All About... Abigail Adams

by Abbey Leffert

Pages 4 and 5 of 10

How she relates to Federalism
Abigail Adams was apart of the Federalist Party. This did not mean that she was all for Federalism but she supported some ideas of large central government instead of one person ruling over many.

She made many decisions with her husband and consulted with him when he had to make presidential decisions. Many people caught on to this and started referring to Abigail as "Mrs. President".
Her Letters
Abigail's letters to her husband were comprised into a book. Many historians believe that this book is the most read book that contained political input from a woman from that era of history.
Many people thought that her line "remember the ladies" was meant to give women the right the vote. This was far from the truth. She really just wanted equality in marriage and everyday life.