Book Creator

Her Name was Milly

by Jordyn Shaw

Pages 6 and 7 of 29

“ You two are so nice, that you deserve so much,” She said in a strange  high pitched voice. And with that she left.
“ Well that was weird,” remarked Kara, her eyes bulging, she was trying to impersonate  the new girl.
“Kara stop it, she’s not that weird,” I replied giving her a playful nudge.

Kara and I headed to the skate park, a trendy hangout for teens with all the ramps and bowls covered in a blanket of  tags and graffiti. I checked my phone, the lock screen bearing the time 5:47pm.
“ Oi K, it’s 10 to 6, we should head home,” I yelled, my voice hoarse from yelling along to some favourite Cardi B songs, which was probably why the skate park was deserted.

“ Hang on, I’m gonna get a drink,” Kara yelled, already running around the corner.
After a while I noticed she still wasnt back, and I was thinking about gapping it, and then I saw it. Her Tupac skateboard was by one of the ramps, but I couldn’t see her!

I thought I  heard the swish of water coming from nearby. “ Kara,” I screamed, hoping there’d be a response, there wasn’t . Cautiously I rounded the corner, but she wasn’t there. I couldn’t stay here, I needed to find Kara but I wanted to go home.

 So I did. I ran, ran down the dimly lit streets, past the local Catholic church, specks of moonlight illuminated the stained-glass windows. A dark figure emerged from the shadows, yet the slim, average build seemed abnormally familiar.