Book Creator

presentation partner's town

by alessandra asuni


The 4°grade class of Primaria in Lotzorai
the little town
Foros de Vale de Figueira
This beautiful Little town named Foros de Vale de Figueira is in Portugal.
it's a small town. There are 1070 inhabitants.
It's about 107 km away from the sea and 260 km from the nearest ski station.
The Summer in Foros are hot and winter are cold
In this region there is a little river named Almansor
the most played sport a traditional game called mach game and football
Nel paese non ci sono monumenti ma nella città vicina di Montemor -o-Novo ce ne sono tanti ,tra cui la statua di S. Joauo de Deus
Le feste principali sono all'aperto con tanta gente come il Julyanda festival di folcloristico
Il Natale si festeggia con tutta la famiglia e ci sono tante decorazioni dappertutto e tutti ricevono i regali
the most typical dishes are baked meat with potatoes, grain and vetegetals, smached bread with pig meat (migas) and bread in hot water with olive oil, cod fish and coriander (açorda).
The region has 2 popular legends: The legends of the 2 arches and the legends of ''Nossa senhora da conceção".
In this strange period of Corona Virus
What people can or can't do to save lives in
Foros de Vale de Figueira and Lotzorai ?
they follow the same rules, wear the mask ,
wash hands, keep distance
The rules change with the situation and sometimes some people go out of their home for a short walk and also long walks and sometimes there is the curfew and we cannot go out after 10/11 pm .