Book Creator

Acts Of Kindness

by Mrs. Wilson’s Fifth Grade Class

Pages 2 and 3 of 21

Acts Of Kindness
Paintings and Text
By Mrs. Wilson’s Fifth Grade Class
I am helping Rachel up. Maisy B.

I am picking up a water bottle for my friend. James B.
A girl is being kind to the other girl, by inviting her over to watch a movie about owls. Alina
My act of kindness was holding a door for a person. James M.
I am asking someone, who is just swinging, if they want to play a game. Rachel

My brother and my sister are in the car, and a homeless man asks for money, and I give him $20.00. Tristan
There is a dog in the water, and there is a big storm going on. So the girl is trying to rescue the dog, and get it in the boat safely. Audrey