Book Creator

The Nature Atmosphere

by Elizabeth Zhao


By: Elizabeth & Cici
Table of contents
Page #
The purpose of each material
How to make a terrarium?
My sketch
Video of “How to make a terrarium?”
Final product
1. Glass container
2. Small/large pebbles
3. Soil
4. Sphagnum moss
5. Sand/gravel
6. Plants
The purpose of each material
Small/large pebbles-Helps with drainage so the plants don’t get soggy
Sand/gravel-Also helps with drainage
Soil-Where the roots of the plants grow
Sphagnum Moss-Helps hold the water and nutrients

How to make a terrarium?
1. Start with a glass container
2. Fill the bottom with a layer of large pebbles
3. Put a thin layer of gravel/sand on top of the pebbles
4. On top of the gravel, put a layer of sphagnum moss
5. Put a layer of dirt on top
6. Choose some plants that you like
7. For each plant, use a chopstick or the end of the spoon to make a hole in the soil big enough for the plants root to fit in
8. Plant the plant it the hole
9. Repeat steps 6&7 for each plant
10. Sprinkle a thin layer of gravel/sand on top of the soil
11. Add some decoration if you would like (small figurines)
12. Use a paper towel to wipe of the soil round the container