Book Creator

bee bot

by vincent ogrady

Pages 4 and 5 of 7

Bee Bots Journey
Starting the journey
This here is Vinny the bee-bot.
Today he's going to learn how to spell his name!
Lets see what he does!
First letter
With a little help from his friend, Vinny starts his adventure
To start his journey to spell his name he needs to start on the letter V
Journeying to I
He now needs to venture across the alphabet to the letter i
The letter N
Wow! Vinny turned around himself and got to the letter N
Because theres 2 Ns in his name he needs to stay there a bit longer
End with Y
To finish he got across to Y
And just like that he's all done.
Today Vinny learned to spell his name
Can you spell yours???
Bee bots can used for teaching a wide range of subjects on the curriculum including subjects such as maths and literacy
Young children learn maths through problem solving by having to count out the spaces bee-bot moves when using him.
He can also be used in literacy to teach children how to spell their name or other words like seen in the story

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