Book Creator

BAM, the magazine. ISSUE 2.


Pages 2 and 3 of 48

issue 2
Editor's letter.
Meet the Crew.
European Languages Day
Learning a foreign language
This is me.
The importance of brainstorming
Our bucket list
Halloween: rebus, haikus and tweets.
BAM, THE STORY!. Shrek's place in the world.
Spain vs Slovakia
No more abandoned dogs. How do stray dogs feel?
The second Spanish Republican flag.
Fake news
Our favourite restaurant.
Our bucket list.
Sprechen Sie Deutsch?
Christmas recommendations.
Editor's letter

We are very happy to publish the 2nd issue of BAM, the foreign languages department magazine whose first number was released last course during lockdown.

In that occasion the writers, illustrators and collaborators were the students of 3rd of ESO, who now are in the fourth level.

In this issue you will see samples of different articles, pieces of writing and other works carried out by all the students in Institut Baix a mar.

We hope you enjoy while reading BAM !
Welcome to this new and odd course 2020-2021! Covid-19 won't stop us from learning and doing entertaining things. If you want to get to know us, the teachers, click on the image.
3rd ESO
26th September is the European Day of Languages, which was first celebrated in 2001 during the European Year of Languages. The goal of this day is to promote linguistic diversity and the ability to speak other languages.

Our students of 3rd of ESO are taking part in an eTwinning project and are collaborating with schools from Poland, Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria. The title of this project is ‘Can you speak my language?’

It is a short-term project aiming at developing students’ knowledge about other European languages. Students get to know the stories of their partners’ alphabetical creation, the history of their language which broadens their horizons and basic understanding of other cultures.

The common language is English and with the carrying out of the project, students get a real motivation to practice this language.
Learning a foreign language
by César Gómez Rafael

I am currently learning German. It is fascinating, but hard at the same time. German is nothing like the languages I have been speaking in, but I found out that my struggle is not only because of the differences between them, it is also because I want to speak it fluently. So, how can you speak a really different language, but still do it well?

Thinking of my own experience, I have found 3 steps, but before I dig into the steps, I want to ask you a question, learning a foreign language is hard, right? but why is that? It could be because of the different sounds, letters, grammar structure, but is that all?
In my opinion, the biggest reason is because people are afraid of being wrong, and that’s the first step. 

Not to be afraid of failure, be wrong, make mistakes, fail, you should not be ashamed of those, because by failing, you can make great progress. 

The second step is to find a guide. Failure helps you learn, but you do need someone to help you out with your mistakes. My guide is my German teacher, but of course it is ok if you do not have a language teacher; look around, people would love to teach you their native language, the fact itself that a foreigner is trying to learn their language makes people delighted, so look around, and find a guide.