Book Creator


by Lexi


Minecraft is one of my favorite video games to play. It's a fun building, battling, crafting game that has something for everyone. The part I like is all the different animals, my favorite one is the wolf. Building is also super fun to do, you are only limited by your imagination. I have built many mansions, roller coasters, and underwater houses.

Minecraft also offers different levels so anyone can play, there is peaceful, easy , normal, and hard levels.

I love the peaceful level so you can fly around and build anything you want without have to run out of blocks or have enemies attack.
There is also different dimensions in the game, one is called "The Nether", it is my favorite place to go because it has lava, gems and forts. If you want to battle a dragon you need to go to "The End" which is another dimension in the game.

I have already gotten my neighbors hooked on it so they are tying to have their parents get them the game as well. It will be fun to join up with them so we can continue to build our world larger and larger.

I think Minecraft is awesome and that more people should check it out.
By Lexi


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