Book Creator


by Tyler O., Gavin P., Taylor W., Chandler S.


By : Tyler O., Gavin P., Chandler S., and Taylor W.
Table of contents
Page 1: What is Bloxels
Page 2 : A Blocks Purpose
Page 3 : How to get Started
Page 4 : How to use the Grid
Page 5 : How to make the game come to life
Page 6 : Enjoy yourself why you play the game
What is Bloxels
What are Bloxels? Bloxels are tiny 3D blocks with colors that resemble their purpose. They are placed into a coordinate plain type grid and scanned by a camera to create a video game that you can play consisting of check points, terrain, enemies, coins, and other obstacles. You are able to put power ups in the level that can help you complete the course. These power ups might be a jet pack or bomb throwing. Lastly, to make the level educational you can put check points in the level that are not the finish line but, are fact blocks.
A Bloxels purpose
There is a trick to Bloxels. You need to know what the colors are. So red is lava. Lava can hurt you quickly. White is a story block. A story block can be a checkpoint that you can type words or facts in that can be seen on the game when playing it. Yellow is coins. You can collect coins and if you collect them then you might get 100%. Blue is liquid. You can float in the water. Pink is power ups. You can get a bomb, extra health, and jet-pack, a shrink potion, invincibility, and a map. Green is terrain. You can walk on terrain. Purple is enemies. Enemies can hurt you and you can eliminate them by shooting them three times. Orange is action. Action can not hurt you but you can destroy it to get into secret hideouts.
How to get started
You get started by putting the blocks on the grid/game board. Next you adjust the the blocks until you get the setup you want. Then you get your device and get the Bloxel app and take a picture of your setup and play the game.Finally you can add blocks to the grid until you want the level that you want to play on.